Date : 2022.5.20 Fri. 8-11pm
Venue : BnA Alter Museum 1F
Free Entrance / +18
A night with Sharol Xiao , Taiwanese model, photographer, and BDSM performer to commemorate the completion of “SHELTER" a near-future ambient movie.
The sound artist, Yutaka Sakamoto (Berlin/Japan) who was in charge of film music, will do live performance.
Yutaka Sakamoto
Sound Creator, Sound Designer
A member of Sub Human Bros, a techno unit based in Berlin, Germany.
Genre-agnostic music, soundscapes, using synthesizers.
An artist who expresses a wide range of things such as photography, video, and design. masterpiece “Synthetic Virtual Nature Soundscape”
Date : 2022.5.20 Fri. 8-11pm
Venue : BnA Alter Museum 1F
Free Entrance / +18
坂本豊 Yutaka Sakamoto
Sound Creator, Sound Designer
ドイツのベルリンを拠点に活動するテクノユニット Sub Human Brosのメンバー。
シンセサイザーを使った、ジャンルに囚われない音楽、音響彫刻やサウンドスケープ、映像、デザインなど 幅広く表現をしている。