Venue: BnA Alter Museum 2F
Date: 2020.2.2.sun
Time: 14:00 -
Entrance: 3,000 yen [inc.1Drink]
[Capacity 10]
Please apply by e-mail to scg@bnaaltermuseum.com with the title "Catalog Workshop", the name and telephone number in the text.
A workshop will be held to produce a catalog that incorporates a part of the exhibits that made up the exhibition TO SELF BUILD (such as tarpaulins that are part of the work and waste materials from the construction of this museum).
[The catalog you have produced can be taken home. In the future, this catalog will be sold at BnA Alter Museum at a regular price of 6,000 yen + tax. ]
Catalog Design: Atsushi Kurosaki
Venue: BnA Alter Museum 2F
Date: 2020.2.2.sun
Time: 14:00 -
Entrance: 3,000 yen [1ドリンク込]
scg@bnaaltermuseum.com までメールにてお申し込みください。
展覧会TO SELF BUILDを構成していた展示物(作品の一部であるターポリンや当館建設時の廃材等)の一部を取り込んだ図録を制作するワークショップを開催いたします。[制作して頂いた図録はお持ち帰り頂けます。今後この図録は通常盤をBnA Alter Museumにて定価6,000円+taxにて販売予定です。]
Catalog Design: Atsushi Kurosaki